Avoid relative path import hell in python

Exploring poetry
for dependency management in python
In general pip
& venv
is a good combination of tool when you don’t have to manage multiple dependencies for your project. But imaging that in a project you need to management multiple dependency files to deploy code into multiple envs. It is possible to do this with pip
, but in that case you need to manage multiple requirements files. To solve this project I have checked a few alternative like pyenv
, pipx
, pipenv
, poetry
etc. According to my experience, poetry is the simplest and most efficient one. I was checking some of the useful tutorials about this and here I am just taking a note of some of the useful points regarding this tool.
Some useful poetry
# Download poetry in Ubuntu
curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/python-poetry/poetry/master/get-poetry.py | python -
source $HOME/.poetry/env # Add to PATH
poetry --version # Check version of poetry
poetry self update # Update version
poetry new project1 # Create a new project
cd project1
tree .
poetry run pytest # Run pytest for the project
poetry add pandas # Add a package as dependency of a project
poetry remove pandas # Delete a project from the file
poetry add --dev pytest # Add a package as dev dependency in a poetry project
poetry add -D coverage[toml] pytest-cov # --dev & -D same
poetry install # Install all the dependencies for a project
poetry build # Build a python library using poetry
poetry publish # Publish library to PyPI
poetry export - requirements.txt --output requirements.txt # Generate requirements.txt
poetry use python3.8 # Use specific version of python in the project
Some important information
Important files
is the single file for all project related metadata.poetry.lock
file is the granular metadata..pypirc
will not work with poetry.config.toml
is used for setting up the artifact repository.- export
can be used for this.
Publishing library as artifact to artifact store
# config.toml : ~/.config/pypoetry/config.toml
pypi = {url = "https://upload.pypi.org/legacy/"}
testpypi = {url = "https://test.pypi.org/legacy/"}
# auth.toml: ~/.config/pypoetry/auth.toml
pypi = {username = "myuser", password = "topsecret"}
testpypi = {username = "myuser", password = "topsecret"}
Check GitHub issue related to this here.